Oh Wise Woman.

Oh Wise Woman.

In celebration of International Women's Day, I thought I would sit down and share a cuppa with one of the strongest women I know - my Mum. Of course, this had to be done over a couple of cups of tea! Her life hasn't been easy - she has lived through a world war, moved to the other side of the world with a young family, and has had to live with some pretty major health conditions.  But she never gives up, and her strength and resilience never cease to amaze me.  

Q - We all have an inner strength that is sometimes hard to find. Why do you think that it is important for women to tap into that strength?

A- It is very important to find that inner strength. It gives you the confidence to go out there and live your life the best that you can.  It helps you to be proud of yourself and love yourself for the person that you are.

Q- What things your life have made you more resilient?

A- I think the main thing that has made me strong is the fact that I have had a hard life.  Every time that I get knocked down I get up again, and face whatever the day brings. Living through a war, a lot of terrible things happened.  It was a very scary time.  It makes you realise what things are important in life, like family. I feel very lucky that I had my family there.  Not knowing if you were going to see them the next day, made you appreciate them even more.

Q- As a wise woman, what is the most important thing that you would like to pass on to the women of today?

 A- I would like to say that I know it is a very scary world at the moment. Even though there are bad days, try and be positive. Love yourself, and be happy with who you are.

Q- Tell us about the role of tea in your life.

A- Growing up in England, we would alway say if you are not feeling well, or you are stressed, just sit down and have a nice cup of tea. Just the act of putting the kettle on makes me feel comforted, and always helps. I still think like this today, and make sure I make time for at least a few cups of tea a day!

Q- What is your favourite tea and why?

A- I love Harriet's Elevenses Irish Breakfast Tea.  It is a strong tea, that always makes me think of my sister.  She is a strong bold women who loves her tea. If I wasn't feeling right, she would make me sit down and have a cuppa.  Throughout my life she has been my rock, and will always have a special place in my heart. 

Thank you Mum, for sharing your strength and wisdom with me. 

 'Strong women -may we know them, may we raise them, may we be them'

#IWD2022 #BreakTheBias

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